Good Luck, Teddy! ‘Help! One Lonely Girl and Her Holiday Blues’

Good Luck, Teddy! ‘Help! One Lonely Girl and Her Holiday Blues’

Lucinda Guthrie, The Roosevelt News

Hi Teddy,

All of my friends are in committed relationships and I’m not. And they can’t help but rub it in. As the holiday season comes, I’m starting to feel more and more lonely. How do I cope with this? I feel like I’m going to be alone forever!

—One Less Lonely Girl?

Dear One Less Lonely Girl, 

Ugh, the holiday season can be a downer! We all understand the feeling of, ‘Well my friends aren’t in the wrong, but it doesn’t help that they’re cuddled on the couch while I sit next to them scrolling on TikTok.’ Undoubtedly a lonely feeling.

Let’s make one thing clear: you won’t be alone forever. 

High school relationships can be few and far between, and if you do find somebody, you’re in luck. (To those of you lovebirds reading this — be grateful). But just because you’re alone in high school, it doesn’t mean you’ll be alone for the rest of your life. Remember, you still have college and/or a career ahead of you. 

Being alone in the holiday season, coupled with the isolating cold weather in Seattle, while looking for a partner is something of a Sisyphean task. 

If all of your attempts to be less lonely have failed (actively looking for a partner, taking big leaps), the question becomes: How do I cope? 

The answer: Loneliness is an inevitable part of being human. As a species, we rely on socialization, introverts and extroverts alike. While you should be looking for that romance — don’t forget to spend time with friends and family. Sometimes having a full social life can temporarily be a good coping strategy. 

Recognizing that you are lonely and that you want to fill that cavity is a triumph in itself. It shows that you are able to understand your own needs and prioritize what you want first. 

I don’t think the yearning for a relationship will fade (you can thank your teenage hormones for that), but I do think it may incentivize you to not give up. 

Keep trying, I know that there is someone out there for you —- at Roosevelt or beyond. 

Yours always,


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