Hole in the Wall Invitational

By Malcolm Roux


The Roosevelt men’s and women’s cross country teams attended the Hole in the Wall invitational on Saturday the 11th, both teams posted impressive results combined with some disheartening races.  On the women’s side, Roosevelt placed in the top three in all three Junior Varsity races and seventh in Division 1 Varsity.  Proving Roosevelt’s depth and promise for future years, the JV races were dominated by Roosevelt.  In the second fastest JV heat, Emily Morley lead Roosevelt to a first place finish, nearly thirty points ahead of second place. While the Varsity squad suffered to some extent from injury and illness, they still pulled off a seventh place finish, only beaten by two other metro schools.

The men’s team also produced a very mixed bag of great PRs and disappointing performances. While the Freshman/Sophomore runners took home fourth out of fifteen, rounding out a series of impressive finishes, the varsity team struggled with absences and a slew of unforeseen obstacles.  Two of the top seven, Gustavo Berho and Max Baker, did not attend due to prior commitment and sickness. During the race Sophomore Jack Bylund was ‘flat tired’ so to speak, and had to stop in the first 100m of the race to fix his shoe.  This resulted in a team finish of twenty-third, but spirits remain high on both teams looking toward the Metro championship on the 23rd.

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